Thursday, January 30, 2020

Bsn vs Associate Degree in Nursing Essay Example for Free

Bsn vs Associate Degree in Nursing Essay Nursing is a knowledge based discipline, which focuses on the wholeness of human being. (Faucett, 1933. ) As per definition nurses are playing great role in modern medicine, either with an associate degree or as bachelor of nursing degree. Both, with the same licensure, the Registered Nurse. Nurse. The Associate dDegree nNurse(ADN) takes a shorter path of two years where the BSN takes longer one with 4 years of education to complete the degree. When we compare the data collected by various groups of nursing professionals, it is evident that the mortality rate, medication errors and patient outcomes are largely improved with high number of BSN onboard. The ADNAssociate degree nurse program was introduced to minimize the nursing shortage during post, second world warSecond World War. Even though The Goldmark report in 1923 recommended that the entry level of education for professional practice as a registered nurse should be a bachelorBachelor of Science in nursing (BSN), the new Associate degree nurse programs, gained much popularity among health care settings, and continuesprograms, gained much popularity among health care settings, and continue even today. Associate degree nursing programs are more to task oriented, where BSN program is based on theory and research. The needs of patients are changing on a daily basis, the need for higher education for nurses is in great demand.. Nurses are advocates of patient population, so be prepared to have the knowledge to help them, in preventive medicine, risk reduction, disease management, public health and over all provide a safe environment as per Nightingales theory of environment. When you compare work of an associate degree nurse with a BSN on a daily basis you could see the differences of approaches between associate degree nurse and a BSN. In this author’s experience, an associate degree nurse is well oriented to practical side of nursing, which is well evidenced. When comes to a patient with MRSA infection of an amputated limp site, the Associate degree nurse, is quick to get the patient pain meds, help with positioning, dressing changes, and maintains a clean environment, maintains contact isolation and provided emotional support. Whereas the BSN is there to teach the patient and family about prevention of infection, promotion of healing by correct diet choices, increasing activity and maintain the previous activity level, and prevent progression of infection and further loss. Also coordinated the care with dietary, physical therapy, occupational therapy, social services and case management services etc, thus provided the patient a smooth transition to the new life as a right above knee amputee. The BSN did investigate about the support groups, prosthesis options, family dynamics, and so on. In this situation one could clearly see the different ways of an associate nurse in their scope of practice vsvs. BSN performed through evidence based nursing practices. The expectation to the future of nursing is that, nurse should be capable of maintaining a patient’s over all well being, mentally, physically, socially and emotionally. One could obtain those qualities through proper education and adapting multiple ways of thinking. The ability of clinical reasoning is very important. The clinical picture of patient is changing, always ask yourself, why, what and how. Why the clinical picture is changing, what are the causes, and how can we correct that. For this we have to understand the metaparadigm of nursing, explained by the founders of nursing. A nurse also should have the clinical imagination, scientific and creative reasoning. The new age of nursing is characterized by a synthesis of facts and ideas that generate principles and theories. (Rogers,1994) . One could only achieve that by advancing one’s education to a higher level. Once you reach that level, the horizon is wide; you could further advance your studies to masters programs, nurse practitioner in various disciplines, go for doctorate programs etc. etc. In a study report from International Jjournal of nursingof Nursing sStudies, June 2009, headed by Dr. Kkoen Van den Heede found a major link between the number of BSN on cardiac care units and hospital mortality. Data analyzed from different countries including Canada, Belgium, Netherlands and USA. The result showed there were 4. 9 percentages fewer deaths per 1000 patients on intensive care units with higher number of nurses with BSN degree. Linda Aiken and her associates, in their Landmark study in 2003 showed a strong connection between the educational level of registered nurses and patient outcomes. Substantial survival advantage noted specially in surgical patient population. , Even as little as 10% increase in the BSN degree holders make a difference in patient death and failure to rescue by 5%. A highly educated nursing work force is essential to the future of nursing. In short, the medial world is changing, so as the patient. So it is imperative that, the nursing work force should change to meet the needs of future health care. So here the transition from associate degree nurse to BSN is much more appreciated and welcomed. Reference: -The reference page is a separate page. This is not APA format. Creating a more highly qualified nursing workforce (fact Sheet) Retrieved from http//www. aacn. nche. edu/media/factsheets/nursingwrkf. htm: Retrieved on 01/06/2012 from Creasia Friberge, The Bridge to Professional Practice, Conceptual foundations 5th edition.

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